- 因此奥兰朵处理他广大家产时乾净俐落地夫迅速吩咐,但是只要他单独来到橡树下的小土丘时,秒针开始周而复始地绕,好像永远不会停止似的。Thus Orlando gave his orders and did the business of his vast estates in a flash; but directly he was alone on the mound under the oak tree, the seconds began to round and fill until it seemed as if they would never fall.
- 俐落well-executed
- 他俐落地跳过那条小溪。He jumped clean over the brook.
- 蛮俐落的spiffy
- 瞎眼的法利赛人,你先洁净杯盘的里面,好叫外面也乾净了。Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and the dish so that their outside also may become clean.
- 落leave behind
- 我们起劲地干了起来,一个下午就把整所房子打扫乾净了。We turned to and got the whole house cleaned in an afternoon.
- 她看上去总是整洁、俐落。She always looks neat and trim.
- 把这些匙擦乾净。Give the spoons a good rub to get them clean.
- 圣者画家采用了非常大胆而俐落的手法。The saintly artist adopted quite a bold and definitive drawing technique in this piece.
- 把炊具周围弄乾净。Clean the area round the cooker.
- “好家伙!我从没看见过做得这么俐落的事,”拉古秋参议员大声嚷道。"By God! Never have I seen anything so neat," exclaimed Senator Lacouture.
- 他们正试图找一种更乾净的汽车燃料。They are trying to find a cleaner fuel for car.
- “好家伙!我从没看见过做得这么俐落的事,”拉古秋参议员大声嚷道。"By God! Never have I seen anything so neat," exclaimed Senator Lacouture.
- 把壶和锅刷乾净scour the pots and pans
- 他把烟斗吹乾净。He blew his pipe clear.
- 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出俐落匀称的身材,端庄的女人步伐,他站在那儿看着她,一直等到她转身走进一座小房里去。She went, with her neat figure and her sober womanly step, down the dark street, and he stood looking after her until she turned into one of the small houses.
- 的肉啄乾净。The buzzard had picked the carcass clean.
- 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出俐落匀称的身材,端庄的女人步伐,他站在那儿看着她,一直等到她转身走进一座小房里去。She went, with her neat figure and her sober womanly step, down the dark street, and he stood looking after her until she turned into one of the small houses.
- 猫把奶舔乾净了.The cat licked up its milk.