- 你身体里的细胞在工作,结果就供给你生存所需要的能量。The cells within your body are at work supplying you with the energy you need for life.
- 细胞cell
- 药量已被减低到某一水平,既足以对付受感染的细胞,又不会干扰正常的新陈代谢。The dosage was geared down to a level which would work on the infected cells but not upset their normal metabolism.
- 内蒙古阿拉善双峰驼驼乳IgG的分离纯化及其热稳定性研究Studies on the Separation and Purification of IgG in Alaxa Bactrian Camel Milk and Its Heat Stability
- 细胞的cellular
- 胚胎兔、成兔皮肤在正常发育及创伤愈合过程中IgG的表达IgG expressions of fetal and adult rabbit skin in normal development and wound healing
- 内酶;一种作用于或包含在使其产生的细胞之上或之内的酶an enzyme that acts on or is retained within the cell producing it
- 膜上各蛋白质用SPA-HRP探针作酶分析,从而鉴定IgG的Fc片段。Subsequently the isolated proteins were fractionated by polyacrylamide gcl elcctrophoresis and blotted to the filter, and the Fc fragments of IgG on the shects wcre probed with SPA-HRP and identified by enzyme assay.
- 静脉注射IgG的中和作用对Lambert-Eaton肌无力综合征患者的突触前效应Presynaptic effects of immunoglobulin G from patients with Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome: Their neutralization by in travenous immunoglobulins
- 细胞谱系:该理论起始于细胞仅仅产生于已经存在的细胞。Cell lineage The theory stating that cells arise only from pre-existing cells.
- 受到严重损伤的细胞以简单的方式死亡---晒伤产生的结果。Badly damaged cells simply die -- the effect that gives sunburn its sting.
- 供氧障碍引起的细胞退化一个器官或组织由于失去细胞而功能退化Progressive degeneration of an organ or tissue caused by loss of cells.
- 内酶一种作用于或包含在使其产生的细胞之上或之内的酶An enzyme that acts on or is retained within the cell producing it.
- 无限生长分化的能无限生长或分割的,用于培养中的细胞Capable of indefinite growth or division. Used of cells in culture.
- 激光光束可以彻底毁灭癌变组织,不会留下任何可能产生新的癌变的细胞。A laser beam can completely destroy a cancerous growth without leaving behind any dangerous cells that could start a new tumor.
- 依赖于糖基化的细胞粘着分子,糖基化依赖性细胞粘附分子glycosylation dependent cell adhesion molecule(GlyCAM)
- 纤维细胞组织一种植物组织,由有逐渐变细的尾的拉长的细胞构成,存在于支撑和引导组织中A type of plant tissue consisting of elongated cells with tapering ends, occurring in supporting and conducting tissue.
- 荧光素酶存在于生物性发光组织的细胞中,催化荧光素氧化的酶An enzyme present in the cells of bioluminescent organisms that catalyzes the oxidation of luciferin.
- 坏死因创伤或疾病引起的细胞或组织的死亡,尤其指身体局部面积的坏死Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body.
- 细胞质和围绕着细胞的细胞外液体含有大量溶解的电解质。Cytoplasm and the extracellular fluid that surrounds cells contain significant amounts of dissolved electrolytes.