- 照旧(adj) as before; as in the past
- 她买了一件仿照巴黎流行式样而做的衣服。She bought a dress patterned upon a Parisian model.
- 我们决定仿照我们在西班牙看到的矮平顶房来修新房子。We've decided to build our new home on the lines of the low flat-roofed houses that we saw in Spain.
- 工作程序照旧。The process remains unchanged.
- 这部寓言是仿照《伊索寓言》写成的。This fable was written after the manner of Aesop.
- 百货涨价,只有薪水照旧。Everything went up except salaries.
- 让事情照旧吧。Let things be.
- 仿照先例To follow a precedent
- 一切照旧。Everything remains unchanged.
- 这座仿照神钟铸造的钟“一方敲钟八面音”,传得很远。Cast in imitation of the divine bell, the new bell gave a sonorous vibration with notes that could be carried over great distances. As the popular saying goes, "Tolled in one place and heard everywhere."
- 照旧玩世不恭to remain a cynic
- 沙哑,跨孵化的大型雕塑表面有轻微干涉享受上装仿照形式。The scratchy, cross-hatched surfaces of the large sculptures interfere slightly with the enjoyment of the beautifully modeled forms.
- 烟囱照旧通过它们的宽大的喉咙大口大口地喷吐出浓烟,which still poured forth from their hospitable throats great clouds of smoke
- 仿照例句改写这些句子。Change these sentences in the same way as the example.
- 照旧的unaltered
- 仿照例子造句。III. Write sentences with the help of the example.
- 条件照旧[经] terms as usual
- 仿照例子重写句子。4. Rewrite the following sentences after the model.
- 照旧不删stet
- 这些是仿照普鲁士的服装打扮的。These were appareled after the fashion of Prussia.