- 骑to ride (an animal or bike)
- 侦to scout
- 骑自行车to ride a bicycle
- 侦测sense
- 骑摩托车by motorcycle
- 侦听interception
- 骑兵营squadron
- 骑行ride
- 骑楼sotto portico
- 侦听叛方的无线电通讯intercept insurgent radio communications
- 骑着cockhorse
- 在警察侦讯时,他一直面无表情。He wore a poker face during police questioning.
- 侦毒器toxic detector
- 骑师horseman
- 侦办investigate and prosecute
- 汤姆沿着街道骑自行车。Tom pedaled his bicycle down the street.
- 她一路骑脚踏车去超市。She biked all the way to the supermarket.
- 她骑脚踏车上班。She goes to work on her cycle.
- 骑脚踏车by bicycle
- 骑摩托车的人戴了一顶头盔。The man on the motorcycle wore a helmet.