- 保时捷Porsche
- 每辆Boxster的心脏是它的发动机,245bhp。The heart of every Boxster is its engine, with 245 bhp.
- Porsche AG的普通股持有者也持有优先股。Holders of Porsche AG's common stock also hold preference stock.
- Porsche AG的历史档案馆和经典车修理车间都将座落在新博物馆中。Both Porsche AG's historic archive and a Classic Workshop will be located in the new museum.
- Porsche不到一半的优先股被广泛分配给个人投资者,这些投资者主要在德国。Slightly less than half of the Porsche preference stock is widely distributed among private investors, primarily in Germany.
- 保时捷的品牌the Porsche marque
- 对保时捷的迷恋不分界限。The fascination with Porsche knows no limits.
- 早在1948年,Ferdinand Porsche制造第一辆以他的名字命名的跑车之时,他就在确立汽车领域的里程碑。Ferdinand Porsche was setting automotive milestones long before he built the first sports car under his own name in 1948.
- 然后把我拖回你的保时捷车里?And then drag me back to your Porsche?
- 博物馆将与相邻的Porsche AG主厂和公司的销售分支机构(Porsche Zentrum Stuttgart)一起,兼作公司的旗舰和公众的视觉标志。Together with Porsche AG's adjacent main plant and the company-owned sales outlet (Porsche Zentrum Stuttgart), the museum will double as the company's flagship and visual landmark for the public.
- 我是不会把保时捷借给你的,就这样!I'm not lending you my Porsche, full stop!
- 一个开保时捷的疯子超车抢了我的道。I was carved up by a lunatic in a Porsche.
- 保时捷的优点之一就是独立思考能力。One of the strengths of Porsche is our independent thinking.
- 它肯定决定谁将开保时捷,谁将乘公共汽车。It must decide who will drive a Porsche and who will take the bus.
- 所有的怀疑,保时捷已接近杂交以其一贯工程气派。For all its skepticism, Porsche has approached hybrids with its usual engineering flair.
- 你有很多模型(当然,全是保时捷)和司机可以选择。You can choose from several different models (all Porsches, of course) and drivers.
- 我?我喜欢运动车,所以我得说保时捷是我的最爱。Mine? I like sports cars, so I would say Porsche is my favorite.
- 我?我喜欢运动车,所以我得说保时捷是我的最爱。Mine? I like sports cars, so I would say Porsche is my favorite.
- 像其他德国轿车,虽然保时捷一直不愿意转为混合技术。Like other German carmakers, though, Porsche has been a reluctant convert to hybrid technology.
- Logan在戏里开的是一部保时捷,那么你的梦想之车是什么呢?Alexis: Logan drives a Porsche on the show. What would be you dream car?