[xìn kǒu kāi hé]
- 信口开河 [xìn kǒu kāi hé]
- speak carelessly, rapidly, voluminously like the outflow of river water when the sluice gates are opened; have a loose tongue; shoot off one's mouth; talk at random (without restraint); talk recklessly; talk drivel; speak at random; talk in a loose kind of way; talk off the top of one's head; talk through one's hat; speak without measuring one's words; say sth. at a venture; say whatever comes to one's mind; say sth. without proper consideration; let one's tongue run away with him; make irresponsible remarks; aimless talk; irresponsible chat; wag one's tongue too freely; talk nonsense; talk irresponsibly:
talk at random and utter nonsense; speak at random and talk nonsense; 信口开河,胡说八道
I'm talking off hand, simply speaking my mind. 我这是信口开河,随便谈谈脑子里想的东西。