



  • - (修饰) embellish; decorate:

    paint and decorate the front of a shop 装修铺面

    - (修理; 整治) repair; mend; overhaul:

    repair bridges and mend roads; 修桥补路

    repair a radio; 修收音机

    - (写; 编写) write; compile:

    write history; 修史

    compile the historical and other records of a county 修县志

    - (学问、品行方面的学习和锻炼) study; cultivate:

    engage in advanced studies; 进修

    study by oneself 自修

    - (兴建; 建筑) build; construct:

    build a power station; 修电站

    dig irrigation ditches; 修渠

    - (剪或削; 使整齐) trim; prune:

    prune away [off, down] branches; 修树枝

    trim [manicure] one's fingernails 修指甲

  • - (长) long; tall and slender:

    dense forests and tall bamboos; 茂林修竹

    long life; old age; 修龄

  • - (修正主义) revisionism
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Xiu Bing 修炳



  1. 压路机是用来修筑道路的。
    A road roller is used in making and repairing roads.
  2. 修汽车前,你得用千斤顶把汽车抬起来。
    You need a jack to lift the car before repairing it.
  3. 我得修修表,它不走了。
    I'll have my watch repaired; it doesn't work.
  4. 这个工人用一个铁箍修桶。
    The worker repaired the barrel with a hoop iron.
  5. 他把手表拆开来修理。
    He took the watch apart to repair it.
  6. 恐怕这台旧收音机不能修了。
    I'm afraid this old radio is beyond repair.
  7. 他在恳求拨款修建一所新学校。
    He was appealing for funds to build a new school.
  8. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
    It takes a lot of labor to build a railway.


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