



  • - (口袋一类的东西) pocket; bag:

    trousers pocket; 裤兜儿

    string bag 网兜儿

  • - (做成兜形把东西拢住) wrap up in a piece of cloth, etc.:

    carry a few eggs wrapped up in a towel 用毛巾兜着几个鸡蛋

    - (绕; 绕弯儿) move round:

    If there's anything you want to say, don't beat about the bush and just say it out. 有什么话就直说吧! 别兜圈子了。

    We went for a drive around in town. 我们乘车在城里兜了一圈。

    - (招揽) canvass; solicit:

    peddle 兜售

    - (承担或包下来) take upon oneself; take responsibility for sth.:

    Don't worry. If anything goes wrong, I'll take responsibility for it. 没关系,出了问题我兜着。



  1. 他从衣兜里拿出一些钱递给出租车司机。
    He took some money from his pocket and gave it to the taxi driver.
  2. 强盗把老人的胳膊一拧,老人立即把兜里所有的钱都交了出来。
    The robber gave the old man's arm a twist, and he at once came across with all he money he had in his pocket.
  3. 他放在后裤兜中的钱包被偷了。
    His wallet is stolen from his back pocket.
  4. 他在自己的衣服兜里塞了4个苹果。
    He jammed four apples in his pocket.


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