- 公卿公 (gong) and 卿 (qing) both of which were high officials in ancient China. (Archaic) broadly a senior official in a royal court.
- 满朝公卿all the officers of the government
- 史上说子路穿著破蔽的衣服,厕身于公卿之间,他也毫不忸怩畏怯。It is recorded in history that, dressed in ragged clothes, he mingled with lords and dukes without the slightest embarrassment or fear.
- 他为了当农业大臣把公司卖了。He sold his company to become Minister of Agriculture.
- 掌皇大臣兼下院领袖Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons
- 王孙公子、磨刀匠、公卿、缙绅、朝廷中人和城市中人(从前有这种说法)都成了那仙女的顺民。The patrician and the knife-grinder, the duke and the peer, the limb of the law, the courtiers and townspeople, as they used to say in olden times, all are subjects of this fairy.
- 内政大臣公开表示,主张把警察武装起来,并坚持不让步。The Home Secretary nailed his colours firmly to the mast on the question of arming the police.
- 不管部部长[大臣]a minister without portfolio
- 政客们正在拼命争夺财政大臣的那个席位。The vacant seat of the financial minister is hotly contested among politicians.
- 那个不诚实的大臣被公开贬黜了。The dishonest minister was publicly disgraced.
- 空军大臣Secretary of State for Air
- 陆军大臣Secretary of State for War
- 民航大臣Minister of Civil Aviation
- 邮政大臣postmaster general
- 她公开斥责那位大臣言论失当.She rapped the Minister publicly for his indiscreet remarks.
- 皇帝在金銮殿召见大臣们。The emperor called his ministers into the throne room.
- 燃料电力大臣Minister of Fuel and Power
- 这大臣失宠了。The minister fell from grace.
- [英]海军大臣First Lord of Admiralty