
[yǎng lǎo jīn]



  1. 他虽然失去了工作,但仍然享有养老金。
    Despite losing his job he retains his pension.
  2. 一个十八岁的人通常是不会老惦著养老金的!
    A pension is not usually one of the preoccupations of an eighteen year-old!
  3. 除了国家发的养老金,他一无所有。
    He's got nothing beyond his state pension.
  4. 她在家里替人洗衣服以贴补养老金之不足。
    She supplements her pension by taking in washing.
  5. 养老金常可改为一次性总付款。
    A pension is often commutable into a lump sum.
  6. 他们都是领养老金的人。
    They are all old-age pensioners.
  7. 单身养老金领取者的征税起点是450美元。
    The tax threshold for a single pensioner is 450 dollars.
  8. 养老金制度中每月的公积金要从薪金中扣除。
    Monthly contributions to the pension scheme will be taken out of your salary.
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