


  1. 体内的位于,起作用于,或有影响于身体内部的
    Located, acting, or effective within the body.
  2. 联盟不同群体间的政治约定(如一个国家或地区内部的民族或种族),根据一个一致同意的方案或机构共享权力
    A political arrangement in which various groups, such as ethnic or racial populations within a country or region, share power according to an agreed formula or mechanism.
  3. 炮墩,炮座堡垒内部的平台或土墩,大炮可从中越过胸墙而发射
    A platform or mound of earth within a fort from which guns are fired over the parapet.
  4. 这抢劫案看来是内部的人干的。
    The robbery appeared to have been an inside job.
目录 查词历史