


  1. 一切准备就绪,我们随时可以开始行动。
    All the preparations have been completed, so we are ready to go.
  2. 我会保证任何事情都会及时准备就绪。
    I will see to it that everything were ready in time.
  3. 举行典礼的大厅尚未完全布置好,但到时候定能准备就绪。
    The hall isn't quite ready for the ceremony yet, but it will be all right on the night.
  4. 准备就绪即可运行的状态。一个程序、任务或硬件设备在处于就绪状态时,只需要一个起动信号就开始工作。
    The status or condition of being ready to run. A program, task, or hardware device that is in a ready condition needs only a start signal in order to begin operation.
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