- 分子伴侣GroELChaperonin GroEL
- 分子伴侣、蛋白质聚集和大分子拥挤环境对蛋白质折叠的影响Effects of Molecular Chaperone, Protein Aggregation and Macromolecular Crowding on Protein Folding
- 人胃癌组织中分子伴侣蛋白的表达及检测Expression of chaperone proteins in human gastric cancer
- 一定程度的内质网应激如分子伴侣表达能保护细胞免于损伤;Endoplasmic reticulum stress to a certain extent can protect cells from injury? such as expression of molecular chaperones.
- 人工分子伴侣复性体系辅助溶菌酶复性的研究Renaturation of lysozyme with assistance of artificial chaperone
- 分子伴侣molecular chaperones
- 政府军已经击败了叛乱分子。Government troops have vanquished the rebels.
- DNA分子伴侣DNA chaperones
- 这颗炸弹是右翼极端分子放置的。The bomb was planted by right-wing extremists.
- 你肯定要他做你的终生伴侣吗?Are you sure that you want him for your partner for life?
- 蛋白伴侣,分子伴侣chaperone
- 令人愉快的伴侣delectable companions
- 一群左翼分子接管了领事馆。A band of leftists took over the consulate.
- 政府决不与恐怖分子谈判。The government will not negotiate with the terrorists.
- 忠实伴侣a faithful companion
- 他们的注意力集中在那个可疑分子身上。They zeroed in on the suspicious man.
- 可爱的伴侣a pleasant companion
- 分子由原子组成。A molecule is made up of atoms.
- 她是一位可靠的伴侣。She is a dependable companion.
- 他曾是政治上的激进分子。He was a political radical.