- 血分论治SP
- 分minute
- 从血分论治blood-stage treatment
- 分页pagination
- 拆分split
- 分时time-sharing
- 分论则是对各个诗人的创作分别进行解读,对辛笛、郑敏和穆旦均取其诗中的一个典型意象或理念进行解读,以期“窥一斑而见全豹”或得到新的理解;Xin Di, Zheng Ming and Mu Dan are analyzed from a typical image in their poems to provide an overall picture or a new understanding of their poems.
- 群论group theory
- 国富论the wealth of the nations
- 分号semicolon
- 图论graph theory
- 几分partly
- 试论try to make a comment
- 差分difference
- 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。Men and birds are fain of climbing high.
- 分页符page break
- 场论field theory
- 高分high score
- 不可知论agnosticism
- 自分autotilly