



  • - (分开; 分辨) distinguish; discriminate:

    discriminate good from bad 判别好坏

    - (评定) judge; decide:

    decide a case; 判案

    mark examination papers 判卷子

    - (判决) sentence; condemn:

    be sentenced to two years' imprisonment; 判两年徒刑

    He was sentenced to five years at hard labour. 他被判5年劳役。

  • - (显然有区别) obviously (different):

    be quite a different person; be no longer one's old self; 前后判若两人

    The two worlds are markedly different. 两个世界判然不同。



  1. 法官判这个罪犯监禁十年。
    The judge put the criminal away for ten years.
  2. 【谚】判断一个人,不听言语看行动。
    We can't judge a person by what he says but by what he does.
  3. 不能根据封面判断一本书。
    You can't judge a book by its cover.
  4. 法官维持初级法院的判决。
    The judge upheld the lower court's decision.
  5. 法官否决了以前的判决。
    The judge overruled the previous decision.
  6. 法官将于明天做出判决。
    The judge will give his decision tomorrow.
  7. 法官判他罚款10美元。
    The judge imposed a fine of ten dollars on him.


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