- 利多菲康Alidofilcon A(接触镜原材料)
- 利多菲康Blidofilcon B(接触镜原材料)
- 更多more
- 多multi-
- 依拉菲康Aelastofilcon A(接触镜原材料)
- 奥昔菲康Aoxyfilcon A(接触镜原材料)
- 菲luxurious
- 最多maximum
- 多个multi-
- 更多的added
- 海西菲康Ahioxifilcon A(接触镜原材料)
- 多菲定律Dauphine law
- 放利多怨exact a rate of interest contracts enmity
- 多菲菜德dofetilide
- 地美福康Adimefocon A(接触镜原材料)
- 苯哌利多benperidol
- 美西菲康Amesifilcon A(接触镜原材料)
- 全麻患者术中静脉注射止吐剂量氟哌利多对QT间期的影响Effect of antiemetic-dose droperidol on the QT interval during general anesthesia
- 在多菲内省,全部山区也是那样的。That is the state of affairs throughout the whole of the hilly country of Dauphine.
- 氟哌利多droperidol