- 日益衰退的房地产和股市吞蚀着他们的积蓄,许多上了年纪的美国人推迟了自己的退休计划,在前途难料的时候,他们选择了工作而非休闲。As the falling real-estate and stock markets erode their savings, many aging Americans are delaying retirement, electing labor over leisure in uncertain times.
- 如果你投资那家公司,你会亏本的,那家公司前途难卜。If you invest in that company, you'll burn your fingers; its future is very uncertain.
- 难problem
- 来生难料The next life is hard to predict
- 前途outlook
- 下料baiting
- 为难make things difficult for
- 来料supplied materials
- 难的hardy
- 调味料flavouring
- 很难very difficult
- 料号
- 领料单call slip
- 难过的sorry
- 送料parts feeding
- 难看的malformed
- 出料discharge port
- 上料loading
- 不难It's no big deal.
- 缺料starved feeding