- 上进(v) make forward progress
- 上进的aspirant
- 他力图阻挠我们的计划。He tried hard to baffle our plan.
- 力图保住工作to study to keep one's job
- 好学上进insatiable of learning and enterprising
- 我们力图消除任何误解的可能性。We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.
- 我在国内立志上进,可又有人从中作梗,成了画饼充饥。My attempts to advance myself at home have been baffled and rendered abortive
- 力图式force schema
- 不求上进strive to make progress
- 作为:不要力图成为一个成功者而要力图做个有价值的人。Deed: Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
- 最重要的,是香港市民头脑灵活,勤奋上进,充满活力。Above all, Hong Kong people remain resourceful, hardworking, forward-looking and dynamic.
- 近年来房价一路飞升,政府想尽一切办法力图稳住房价。Recently the housing prices keept rocketing, and the government tried all means to stabilize the price.
- 勉励上进incite one to make progress; urge one to go forward
- 他力图抓住每个机会练钢琴。He caught at every opportunity to practise the piano.
- 上进纲upper hauling rope
- 重力图匹配Gravity Map Matching
- 我既然要他到这儿来,我至少能作到给他一个上进的机会。I've asked him to come down here, and the least I can do is to give him an opportunity to better himself.
- 不仅如此,他们甚至是反动的,因为他们力图使历史的车轮倒转。Nay more, they are reactionary, for they try to roll back the wheel of history.
- 柱上进样column sample injection
- 所有力图使他和兄长和解的努力都成为徒劳。All efforts to reconcile him with his elder brother proved vain.