- 尚可tolerableness
- Maple软件Maple software
- Maple语言Maple language
- 尚有more
- Maple程序Maple program
- 分布MapleDistributed Maple
- 有些和尚在僻静处隐居。Some Buddhist monks live in solitude as hermits.
- 计算机代数系统Maplecomputer algebraic system maple
- 尚需still need
- Maple支持下的电动力学Electrodynamics with Maple
- 那个谜尚待解开。The mystery remains to be dissolved.
- Maple软件在常微分方程中的应用Application of Maple Computer System in ODE
- 这个计划尚在讨论中。The plan is still under discussion.
- 六连杆打纬机构的MAPLE动态设计及分析Kinematical design and analysis of the six-bar beating-up mechanism with MAPLE
- 这一时尚曾风靡全国。The craze swept the country.
- 花和尚dandy monk
- MAPLE用于轴对称热传导问题边界奇异积分计算Using MAPLE on the Calculation of Singular Boundary Integrations in Thermal Conduction Problems of Symmetrical Structures
- 系数不准确的多元多项式因式分解的MAPLE实现Implementation of Factorization of Multivariate Polynomial with Inaccurate Coefficients by MAPLE
- 有好几个问题尚待解决。Several problems remain to be solved.
- 四杆机构精确综合的符号设计方法及Maple实现Symbolic Design Method of Four-linkage and Its Implementing With Maple