



  • - (拿东西换钱) sell:

    sell at auction; 拍卖

    resell; 转卖

    - (出卖) betray:

    betray one's friend to obtain promotion 卖友求荣

    - (尽量用出来; 不吝惜) do one's best; exert to the utmost:

    exert all one's strength; do one's very best; exert oneself to the utmost 卖力气

    - (故意表现)show off:

    like to show off one's merit 好卖功

  • - (旧时饭馆中称一个菜为一卖) a dish (in the old times)



  1. 作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。
    The writer gets a 10%25 royalty on each copy sold of his book.
  2. 让我看看买卖这块土地的所有官方文件。
    Let me see all the official documents concerning the sale of this land.
  3. 这张唱片非常成功,卖了一百万张。
    The record was a big hit and sold a million copies.
  4. 布是按码卖的。
    Cloth is sold by the yard.
  5. 附近的时装店正在大拍卖。
    The local dress shop is having a sale.
  6. 现在卖报纸利润很少。
    There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.
  7. 那个小贩试图卖给我一些小东西。
    The peddler tried to sell me some small articles.


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