



  • - (书本) book:

    always have a book in one's hand; be a diligent reader 手不释卷

    - (卷子; 试卷) examination paper:

    hand in an examination paper 交卷

    - (机关里保存的文件) file; dossier:

    look through the files 查卷

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Juan Zhang 卷章

  • - (全书的一部分; 书籍册数) volume:

    Volume ; 第三卷

    Years have been spent in compiling this volume. 编辑本卷花了好几年时间。

  • - (把东西弯转成圆筒形或环形) roll up:

    roll up the bamboo screen; 把竹帘子卷起来

    roll up a carpet [map, scroll]; 卷起地毯 [地图,画卷]

    - (一种大的力量把东西撮起或裹住) sweep off; carry along:

    A car sped past, raising a cloud of dust. 汽车飞驰而过,卷起一阵尘土。

    A huge wave swept the boat away. 一个大浪把小船卷走了。

    - (陷入) embroil:

    All Europe was then embroiled in war. 当时整个欧洲都被卷入了战争。

    I don't want to become embroiled in their quarrels. 我不愿卷到他们的争吵中去。

  • - (裹成圆筒形的东西) cylindrical mass of sth.; roll:

    bedding roll 铺盖卷儿

    - (卷子) steamed roll:

    fancy-shaped [plaited, twisted] steamed roll 花卷儿

  • - (弯曲的) curly:

    curly hair 卷发

  • - (用于成卷的东西) roll; spool; reel:

    a roll of newspapers; 一卷报纸

    a roll of cloth [paper]; 一卷布[纸]



  1. 壁纸是成卷买的。
    Wallpaper is bought in rolls.
  2. 这一卷涉及的时间仅至1945年。
    This volume only goes down to (ie only deals with the period up to) 1945.
  3. 我那套狄更斯小说只差一卷就能配齐了。
    I only need one volume to complete my set of Dickens's novels.
  4. 这卷书的空白页发黄了。
    This volume is foxed on the flyleaf.
  5. 他递给我一卷线。
    He passed me a coil of thread.
  6. 他卷起了袖子,在花园里干起活来。
    He rolled up his sleeves and got to work in the garden.
  7. 他给照相机买了两卷胶卷。
    He bought two rolls of film for the camera.
  8. 她把袜子卷成一团。
    She rolled the socks into a ball.
目录 查词历史