



  • - (经历) experience:

    personal details; antecedents; 履历

    origin; background; source 来历

    - {天} (历法) calendar:

    lunar [solar] calendar; 阴[阳]历

    observe the stars and calculate calendar 推历观象

    - (历书; 年鉴; 历本) almanac:

    calendar; 日历

    astronomical yearbook; astronomical almanac 天文年历

  • - (经过) pass [go] through; undergo; experience:

    passed through different places; 遍历各地

    have gone through all kinds of hardships and difficulties 历尽千辛万苦

  • - (统指过去的各个或各次) all previous (occasions, sessions, etc.):

    in the past dynasties 历朝

  • - (遍; 一个一个地) all through; all over; one by one:

    cast a glance all over; 历观

    visit all the renowned mountains and great rivers 历览名山大川



  1. 这是我有过的教育意义最大的一次经历。
    It was the most educational experience I had ever had.
  2. 那是一次不光彩的经历。
    It is an experience of humiliation.
  3. 他和我是同龄人,但我们的经历截然不同。
    He is a contemporary of mine, but our experiences are completely different.
  4. 对我来说那是一次难忘的经历。
    It was a memorable experience for me.
  5. 他总是自吹自擂他的经历。
    He is always bucking about his experience.
  6. 这些可怕的经历深深印入他的记忆。
    These frightful experiences are branded on his memory.
  7. 这座城市经历了巨大的变化。
    This city underwent great changes.
  8. 他把台历放在书架上。
    He put the desk calendar on the shelf.


目录 查词历史