- 发火catch fire
- 谁也无法预料接着会发生什么事。You can never predict what would happen next.
- 发生了一件好笑的事。A funny thing happened.
- 他老是对孩子们发火,弄得那些孩子开始对他讨厌起来。He carries on at the children until they have come to dislike him.
- 战乱之后发生了瘟疫。After the scourge of war came the scourge of disease.
- 这真叫我发火。It really gets my goat.
- 我们委员会中近来发生了一些争执。We have been having a few disagreements in the committee lately.
- 他向他的妻子发火。He vented his anger on his wife.
- 日本常发生地震。Japan is subject to earthquakes.
- 不要因他而发火他只是开开玩笑,他对每个人都是这样的。Don't let him get your goat. He's just joking. He does it with everybody.
- 他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件。He described the events of that day in sequence.
- 发火的pyrophoric
- 桥上发生了严重的汽车相撞事故。There was a serious motor smash on the bridge.
- 本来情况是可能更糟的,他是可能发火的,但很快他就冷静下来了。But presently he grew calmer. It might have been worse. He might have flared up.
- 突然发生的悲剧使他疯了。The sudden tragedy crazed him.
- 她学会了控制自己不发火。She learned to master her anger.
- 我的汽车引擎发生故障。My car has got engine trouble.
- 发火, 愤怒in a chafe
- 在两条道路的交叉点发生了一起事故。An accident happened at the meeting of two roads.
- 你总是想惹我发火。You are always trying to get my goat.