- 他们严厉取缔贩毒。They clamped down on drug pushers.
- 法院撤销了其命令。The court discharged its order.
- 非法交易应被取缔。Illicit trades should be outlawed.
- 防撤销操作Undo-Proof Operations
- 国家采取措施取缔土法炼焦。The State shall adopt measures to ban coke making by indigenous methods.
- 撤销法令to repeal a decree
- 警方已许诺要取缔犯罪活动。The police has promised to clamp down on criminal activities.
- 撤销法人资格annulment of legal personality
- 它最终在1919-20年取缔牛肉托拉斯的凯歌声中恢复了生命力。It finally came to life in 1919-20 in a victorious campaign to destroy the old Beef Trust.
- 我们以贵方为受益人,通过伦敦银行开出不可撤销信用证一份,特此通知。We inform you that we have opened an irrevocable credit with the London Bank in your favour.
- 取缔赌场区。Clean up the gambling district.
- 建筑许可的撤销the revocation of planning permission
- 取缔赌博to put a lid on gambling
- 撤销叛逆者revoking traitors
- 警察即将取缔这一地区的犯罪活动。The police are going to clamp down on criminal activity in this area.
- 撤销权制度right of revocation
- 取缔投机倒把ban speculation and profiteering
- 不幸的是,现在调用撤销只能挽回一个单词,6个段落永远丢失了。Unfortunately, performing Undo now merely brings back the one word, and the six paragraphs are lost forever.
- 取缔学校!Down with school!
- 付款条件:以本公司为受益人的一流银行开出的不可撤销信用证。Terms: by irrevocable letter of credit open by a1 bank in our favor.