- 文件document
- 在1986年,国际标准组织正式通过了GML的一种变体叫做标准通用置标语言,或SGML。In 1986, the International Standards Organization adopted a variation of GML called Standard Generalized Markup Language, or SGML.
- 压缩文件compressed files
- 字母的书写变体A variant shape of a letter.
- 删除文件del
- 异文一文本或抄本的变体读本或抄本A variant reading or transcription of a text or copy.
- 这就说明正是这种变体诱发了躁郁症。That suggests the variant promotes susceptibility to bipolar disorder.
- 白边紫菀的一种变体。a variety of white-topped aster.
- 匿名是变态(变体)反对世界对其战争(意)的第一道防御。Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Anonymity is the mutant's first defense against the world's hostility.
- 蚀变体altered mineral
- 变体诗文An altered form of poetry and essay
- OLE变体OLE variant
- 词变体term variants
- 这一结构形式,恐是积累并总结了曲牌运用中的变体规律This form resulted from the accumulation and articulation of the rules of changes applied in the qu tunes.
- 阿尔贡金语阿尔冈昆民族所讲的奥吉布瓦语的任意一种变体。Any of the varieties of the Ojibwa language spoken by the peoples called Algonquin.
- 音住变体allophonic variations
- 冰长石正长石透明或半透明的变体A variety of transparent or translucent orthoclase.
- 英语变体English variety
- 形式变体formal variants
- 电流变体electrorheological fluid