[hán shā shè yǐng]
- 含沙射影 [hán shā shè yǐng]
- (比喻暗中攻击或陷害人) hold sand in the mouth and shoot it at a shadow -- injury to men inflicted by evil persons; attack by innuendo; attack by insinuation; express one's hidden sentiments and feelings by means of gentle allusions and ambiguous phrases; hurt others maliciously; incriminate sb.; insinuate; make insinuations [oblique charges]; name the lime tree and really mean the acacia -- hidden allusions and innuendoes; One means right when one says left.; spit groundless rumours; spit sand on a shadow -- make innuendoes talk at sb.; use the underhanded method of insinuation:
resort to insinuation; 采用含沙射影的卑劣手法
vilify sb. by insinuation; 含沙射影,恶语中伤