- 胆肠Roux-en-Y吻合术Cholangio-jejunal anastomosis of Roux-en-Y
- Braun吻合术、Roux-en-Y吻合术为较理想的术式。Braun anastomosis or Roux-en-Y anastomosis is usually the remedy of cure.
- 改良囊肿切除肝管空肠Roux-Y吻合术治疗先天性胆总管囊肿Modified excision of choledochal cysts and Roux-Y hepaticojejanostomy in children with congenital choledochal cysts
- 术method
- 消化道重建方式 :食道十二指肠吻合术 12例 ,食道空肠袢式吻合术 15例 ,食道空肠Roux en Y吻合术 2 9例 ,间置空肠加袋术 3 0例。The recon struction of digestive tract included esophagoduodenostomy in 12 cases, Braun es ophagojejunostomy in 15 cases, Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy in 29 cases, and jejunal pouch interposition in 30 cases.
- Roux-en-Y胃转流术(GBP)gastric bypass(GBP)
- 吻合术式Anastomotic patterns
- Roux-y术式Roux - y anastomosis
- 间置空肠代胃与Roux-en-Y吻合法消化道重建对病人生存质量影响的研究The influence of jejunal pouch interposition in comparison with Roux-en-Y reconstruction after total gastrectomy on postoperative quality of life
- 肌腱吻合术Tendon anastomosis operation
- 颈部吻合术cervical anastomose
- Roux-Y型吻合术Roux - Y gastrojejunostomy
- 远端胃大部分切除后Roux-en-Y消化道重建术对小肠排空影响的实验研究An experimental study of the Roux-en-Y reconstruction on intestinal evacuation in rats undergoing subtotal gastrectomy
- 外膜吻合术Epineurorrhaphy
- 弓下吻合术Esophagogastrostomy below aortic arch
- 胆管空肠Roux-Y吻合术bile duct jejunum Roux-Y anastomosis
- 机械吻合术Mochanical anastomosis
- 颈部1层吻合术one-layered cervical esophagogastrostomy
- 结肠肛管吻合术Colo-anal anastomosis
- Roux-en-y胆肠吻合术Roux - en - y choledochojejunostomy