- 相信我,约翰绝非善良之辈。John is no angel, believe me(= he does not behave well).
- 善良的人从不狡辩,狡辩的人一定不是善良之辈。Well-doer never does chicanery and person who is good at chicanery does not belong well-doer.
- 法律并不做详尽规定,而委诸善良之人进行判断。The law does not define exactly, but trusts in the judgement of a good man.
- 伯17:8正直人、此必惊奇、辜的人、兴起攻击不敬虔之辈。Upright men shall be astonied at this, and the innocent shall stir up himself against the hypocrite.
- 当人们上了年纪而变得善良之时,他们只是把恶魔留下的东西来给上帝献祭而已。When men grow virtuous in their old age, they only make a sacrifice to god of the devil's leavings.
- 之後afterwards
- 那倚靠耶和华、不理会狂傲和偏向虚假之辈的,这人便为有福!Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.
- 其次,雾还能使人的善良之心和喜悦之情充分表现出来,这是伦敦人引以为荣的两大特点。Then it brings out the kindness and cheerfulness, which are their prime claim to honour, into strong relief.
- 他们是摇旗呐喊之辈。They are wavers of flags and shouters of slogans.
- 泛泛之辈ordinary people
- 倾听那天籁之音,那么你所有愚蠢的恐惧感和小小的嫉妒心都会消失。这个世界的自然之美帮助我们去追求和寻找心灵的善良之美。Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away. The beauty of the world helps us to seek and find the beauty of goodness.
- 此人乃碌碌无能之辈。He is a mediocre and incompetent person.
- 他是个难登大雅之堂的拙劣之辈,总在正式场合上大放愚论,令多数的人恼怒不堪。He is such a gauche person without finesse who always makes gauche remarks on a formal occasion to annoy most people.
- 所以,我约瑟夫季南,代表同盟国检察团全体同仁,郑重向远东国际军事法庭庭长及各位法官提请,请你们给这些发动并实行侵略战争的被告们以严惩,请你们以公正之心,以善良之名,以人类之愿.Therefore, I, Joshua Kennan, on behalf of my colleague in the allied prosecution team, solemnly request, the honor of judges of the international military tribunal for the far east to severely punish those responsible for this horrible war of aggression, in the name of justice, in the spirit of compassion, and in the name of humanity.
- 他已从默默无闻之辈而成为国际上的名人。He has risen from obscurity to international fame.
- 它们常常使一个平凡之辈迈向成功。They have often raised a man from mediocrity to success.
- 他是个无能之辈。He is an incapable person.
- 政客之辈the triBe of politicians
- 庸之辈the common run of men
- 浮嚣之辈Fickle and excitable fellows