- 囚犯兵营BPrisoner Barrack B
- 那不会很容易,考虑到上校的新好朋友。你最好等上校不在他的军营里面的时候再进去,等一等,。你就可以找到经过藏书室到囚犯兵营B的路了,那边你就可以找到他的房间了。That won't be easy, considering the Colonel's new best friend. Your best bet would be to try to get Into the Colonel's barracks while he's absent, and lie In wait. You may be able to find a route up through the Library to Prisoner Barrack B, where you'll
- 囚犯兵营B,那是什么?Prisoner Barrack B? Where's that?
- 到囚犯兵营B与哈定上校接触Reach Prisoner Barracks B and contact Colonel Harding.
- 卡波司基,也可以溜到囚犯兵营B去吗?Ever got across to Prisoner Barrack B, Kapowski?
- 我们和其他的囚犯谈了一下,史东,然后我们发觉了经由藏书室的一条秘密通道可以到兵营B。We've had a little chat with some of the other prisoners, Stone, and we've discovered a potential route to Barrack B via the library.
- 如果好运一点,他们不会注意到舞台里的舱门,那边可以让你进到兵营B。But with a bit of luck they won't have spotted the hatch In the stage that'll let you drop down Into Barrack B.
- 囚犯a prisoner
- 她的成绩是B+。She got a grade of B plus.
- 囚犯兵营3Prisoner Barrack 3
- 我想要进入兵营B,有什么建议吗?Say I wanted to get Into Barrack B. What would you suggest?
- 与哈定上校碰面|+|+到兵营B与哈定上校碰面。Contact Colonel Harding|+|+Reach Prisoner Barracks B and contact Colonel Harding.
- comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。The "b" in "comb" is not sounded.
- 囚犯兵营1Prisoner Barrack 1
- 为B向A说情make an intercession to A for B
- 没错,史东。我们有夥伴在兵营B附近勘查。Right, Stone. We've had a fellow sniff around Barrack B.
- 囚犯兵营APrisoner Barrack A
- 用b除adevide a by b
- 这个海军陆战队的兵营是十年前建造的。The marine barracks were built ten years ago.
- 我说史东,你几乎得到我们所有的资讯,不过我们有个夥伴找到了到兵营B的快速道路。I have to say you're streching our resources rather, Stone. But we've located a chap who's found a rather quicker route to Barrack B.