[kùn shòu yóu dòu]
- 困兽犹斗 [kùn shòu yóu dòu]
- A beast at bay will put up a desperate fight.; a final desperate fling; A man in desperation will still put up a stubborn fight.; A pent-up beast will yet fight.; A wild beast in the toils still fights.; A wild beast, when cornered, will stand at bay.; Cornered beasts will still fight.; Even a beast at bay will fight.; Even a trapped beast struggles.; Even pent-up wild beasts attempt to struggle.; fighting back like a cornered animal; One fights to the death in desperation.; The crushed worm will turn.; Thread on a worm and it will turn.:
Don't you know the crushed worm will turn? Why are you so lacking in vigilance? 你不知道困兽犹斗吗? 为什么这样麻痹大意?