- 排场ostentation and extravagance
- 她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion.
- 排场,铺张pomp and circumstance
- 她的讲话在这个场合十分得体。Her speech was well suited to the occasion.
- 他虽穷却爱摆排场。He lived in genteel poverty.
- 他在公开场合表达自己的意见感到胆怯。He is diffident about expressing his opinions in the public.
- 虚荣, 排场pride of life [the world]
- 加冕仪式的盛况和排场The pomp and circumstance of a coronation.
- 葬礼是一种令人悲伤的场合。A funeral is a sorrowful occasion.
- 耍排场parade one's wealth; go in for ostentation and extravagance
- 不要在公共场合大哭。Don't bawl in public!
- 排场阔气push the boat out
- 欢庆场合a gala occasion
- 礼仪完备的,排场大的Full of ceremonial display.
- 男子在正式场合穿套装是一种社会习俗。It is the convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions.
- 传奇排场Chuanqi's ostentation
- 适于半正式场合的着装semiformal attire.
- 排场结构scene structure
- 他们只在社交场合喝酒They only drink socially.
- 戆子婿食排场Stupid Daughter's Husband Goes to a Feast