


  1. 这间屋子粗大的椽子可以看得见。
    The big rafter is visible in this room.
  2. 纽约是世界上最大的几座城市之一。
    New York is among the largest cities in the world.
  3. 大象是世界上最大的四足动物。
    The elephant is the largest four-footed animal in the world.
  4. 这所学校有一个很大的生物实验室。
    The school has a large biological laboratory.
  5. 那个寺院里有一幅很大的壁画。
    There is a large mural in the temple.
  6. 海洋是广大的水域。
    The oceans are large bodies of water.
  7. 青鱼通常生活在大的浅水区。
    The herrings usually live in large shoals.
  8. 英国一直有一支强大的海军,称为皇家海军。
    Britain has always had a large navy, called the Royal Navy.
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