



  • - (单的; 不成对的) odd (number):

    odd number 奇数

  • - (零数) a fractional amount (over that mentioned in a round number); odd lots:

    fifty odd 五十有奇

  • - (罕见的; 特殊的; 非常的) strange; queer; rare; uncommon; unusual:

    a strange affair; an unusual phenomenon; 奇事

    a rare fine view 一幅奇景

    - (出人意料的; 令人难测的) unexpected; unpredictable:

    win victory through unexpected moves 出奇制胜

  • - (惊异) surprise; wonder; astonish:

    be filled with amazement; 大为惊奇

    This is nothing to be surprised at. 这是不足为奇的。

    - (十分; 很; 极) extremely:

    extremely [exceedingly] cold; 奇冷

    unbearably painful 奇痛

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Qi Hui 奇晖



  1. 整个晚上的事似乎如梦幻般令人惊奇。
    The whole evening seems strangely unreal.
  2. 很奇怪,我上火车前,竟然没有人查看我的车票。
    It was strange that nobody inspected my ticket before I got on the train.
  3. 有一个离奇的故事一直流传着。
    A strange story has been going round.
  4. 水把岩石侵袭得奇形怪状。
    The water had sculptured the rocks into strange shapes.
  5. 真希奇,这个月多给我钱了。
    By some strange freak mistake, I was overpaid this month.
  6. 很奇怪他们改变了计划,但我觉得没有什么用处。
    Their change of plan is strange but I don't think it's significant.
  7. 大洋深处生活着奇异的生物。
    Strange creatures live in the profound depths of the ocean.
  8. 他有一些很奇怪的政治信念。
    He has some pretty strange political ideas.


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