
[nú lì]



  1. 这个奴隶被鞭打死。
    The slave was strapped to death.
  2. 奴隶们被释放了。
    The slaves were enfranchised.
  3. 那些奴隶艰难地把沉重的石块拖上山。
    The slaves toiled up the hill pulling the heavy blocks.
  4. 奴隶们用刀杀死了主人。
    The slaves slew their masters with swords.
  5. 这个奴隶从未体验过自由的快乐。
    The slave has never experienced the sweetness of freedom.
  6. 这个奴隶梦想着成为一个自由人。
    This slave dreamed of becoming a freeman.
  7. 奴隶们起来反抗奴隶主并把他们都杀光。
    The slaves rebelled against their masters and killed them all.
  8. 他把妻子当作奴隶看待。
    He treats his wife like a slave.


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