



  • - (横的距离大; 范围广) wide; broad:

    broad-brimmed straw hat; 宽边草帽

    broad-shouldered; 宽肩膀

    - (宽大; 不严厉; 不苛求) generous; lenient:

    treat with leniency; 从宽处理

    be strict with oneself and lenient with others 严以律己,宽以待人

    - (宽裕; 富裕) comfortably off; well-off:

    He's much better off than before. 他手头比过去宽多了。

  • - (放松; 使宽缓) relax; relieve:

    Don't worry.; Don't take it too hard. 把心放宽一点。

    We were greatly relieved to learn that his condition was not serious. 听说他的病情并不严重,我们的心就宽多了。

    - (放宽) extend:

    Can the deadline be extended a few more days? 限期能再宽几天吗?

  • - (宽度) width; breadth:

    The room is four metres in breadth. 这个房间4米宽。

    This river is one li wide . 这条河有一里宽。

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Kuan Zhe 宽辙



  1. 花园的宽度为六米。
    The garden is six meters in width.
  2. 他不喜欢自己的宽大的鼻孔。
    He dislikes his wide nostrils.
  3. 桌子上的裂缝越变越宽。
    The cranny in the table became more and more wide.
  4. 这条河很宽,足以使很多船通过。
    The waterway is wide for many ships to pass through.
  5. 这房间长15英尺,宽10英尺。
    The room is 15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth.
  6. 那个房间长宽相等。
    This room is as broad as it is long.
  7. 宽阔的台阶使大厦的正面显得有气派。
    The broad steps in front of the mansion made it look very dignified.
  8. 他是一个心胸宽阔的人。
    He is broad-minded.


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