


  1. 布告牌上写著`勿踏草地'。
    The notice said Keep off (ie Do not walk on) the grass'.
  2. 他把通知钉在布告牌上。
    He pinned the notice to the board.
  3. 布告牌上写着:“此处可倒垃圾。”
    The notice board said: "Rubbish may be shot here."
  4. 我看见前面远处在公路边上树篱的另一侧有一个小布告牌。
    I see far ahead, on the other side of the hedge bordering the high road, a small notice-board.
  5. 咱们把这个通知钉在布告牌上吧。
    Let's pin the notice on the bulletin board.
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