- 常春藤苷[化] hederin
- 常春藤苷配基hederagenin
- 毛花苷C,西地兰,毛花苷丙,毛花一级丙苷,毛花洋地黄苷CCedilanid; Ceglunat; Celadigal
- 常春藤苷配基,常春藤皂苷元hederagenin
- 西地兰,毛花洋地黄苷,毛花苷丙,毛花苷C,毛花一级丙苷,毛花丙苷Cedisanol
- 常春藤ivy
- 地黄苷Crehmannioside C
- c语言
- 毛花苷CLanatoside C
- 维生素Cvitamin(e) C
- C语言程序设计Programming in C
- 常春藤蔓生整个墙面。There is ivy trailing all over the wall.
- 皂苷saponin(e)
- 常春藤攀着篱笆生长。Ivy creeps along the fence.
- 有一道缠绕着常春藤的栅栏。There was a fence intertwined with ivy.
- 忍冬苦苷Cloniceroside C
- C程序设计Program Design in C
- 寡核苷酸oligonucleotide
- 这株常春藤在其他常春藤已凋谢时依然青翠。This is was green at a time when other ivies had pooped out.
- 三磷酸腺苷triphosadenine