- 乎(interrog. part.)
- 干的dry
- 能干capable
- 牛肉干beef jerky
- 视乎depend on
- 干嘛why
- 中国的一位圣人孔夫子说过:"有朋自远方来,不亦乐 乎!Chinese sage Confucius says, " Is it not a delight after all to have friends come from afar!"
- 温斯顿跟那姑娘都在吃饭,吃的是清炖菜豆,稀乎乎的像菜汤。Both Winston and the girl were eating steadily.The stuff they were eating was a thin stew, actually a soup, of haricot beans
- 不干willy-nilly
- 当夜,就在那时候,禁卒把他们带去,洗他们的伤;他和属乎他的人立时都受了洗。At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his family were baptized.
- 冻干freeze-dry
- 有百十二年历史耶蒸汽火车头《腾云号》复修了后今阿日徙去台北车站展乎郎参观。Restoration work for the 112 year old steam locomotive is complete and is being moved to Daibag (Taipei) train station for display.
- 晒干insolation
- 难乎为继hard to keep up
- 干胶dry glue
- 待遇视乎资历而定。一经录用,我司将提供优厚薪酬和良好事业发展机会。每周五天工作。A remuneration package commensurate with qualification and experience including attractive salary and 5-day's work per week will be offered to the right candidates. Excellent career development opportunity will be provided.
- 不相干的inconnected
- 他弹奏钢琴神乎其技.He plays the piano with surprising facility.
- 擦干dry
- 成败之机,其在斯乎?Does not success or failure hinge on this?