


  1. 她设法使他们平静下来,不想却适得其反。
    Her attempts to calm them down only made matters worse.
  2. 这座城市经过昨天的动乱以後又平静下来了。
    The city is calm again after yesterday's riots.
  3. 自上周骚动以来,事态已平静下来了。
    Things have simmered down since the riots last week.
  4. 争论过后好久,她才得以平静下来。
    It took her a long time to cool down after the argument.
  5. 当他平静下来时,我开始告诉他实情。
    When he quieted down, I began to tell him the truth.
  6. 乡村的宁静很快就使他的怒气平静下来。
    His rage was soon calmed down by the rustic peace.
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