- 好年光good harvest
- 年光荏苒quick passing of time
- 我真想回到从前无拘束、无忧虑的儿时去,可惜年光不能够倒流。I'd love to return to those carefree days. Unfortunately, time cannot flow backwards ..."
- 杰克不去工作,虚度着光阴。Instead of working, Jack was idling away his time.
- 我多么希望能阻止光阴疾驰!How I wish I could stop the flight of time!
- 光阴飞逝Time is wasting.
- 在叹声中虚度光阴to sigh away one's days
- 你在虚度宝贵的光阴。You are loafing away your precious time!
- 光阴似箭;光阴飞逝。Time flies like an arrow; Time fleeing beneath him.
- 光阴如锉,细磨无声。Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.
- 光阴似箭,这只小鸟眼看就要变成老鸟了,整个人生已失去了一大半!Years have passed by quickly. I have aged and there is little time left for me to pursue my dream.
- 光阴去如飞。Time has wings.
- 别虚度光阴。Don't loaf away your time.
- 光阴流逝.Time flows.
- 爱惜光阴Make Full Use of Time
- <谚>光阴似箭。Time flies.
- 光阴如箭。Time flies like an arrow.
- 光阴对于你Wouldn't time be out to charm you
- 光阴如流水Time passes like flowing water
- NEA光阴极NEA photocathode