



  • - (弹射) shoot; catapult:

    shoot glass-balls; 弹玻璃球

    catapult pebbles 弹石子

    - (使纤维变松软) fluff; tease:

    fluff [tease] wool; 弹羊毛

    fluff [tease] cotton (with a bow) 弹棉花

    - (轻弹; 轻拂) flick; flip:

    flip the dust from one's boots; 弹去靴上的尘土

    He flicked the ashes from his cigar. 他弹去雪茄烟烟灰。

    - (用手指或器具拔弄、敲打) play; pluck:

    play the piano; 弹钢琴

    pluck the guitar 弹吉他

    - (抨击) impeach; lash out at:

    satirize 讥弹

    - (弹跳) spring; leap:

    leap from the springboard; 从跳板上弹起来

    The lid sprang open. 盖子一下弹开了。

  • - (有弹性) elastic:

    elastic-deformation 弹性变形

  • - (弹子; 小球形的东西) ball; pellet:

    mud ball 泥弹儿

    - (内装爆炸物,具有破坏和杀伤能力的东西) bullet; bomb:

    guided missile; 导弹

    incendiary bomb; 燃烧弹



  1. 子弹从枪中射出。
    The bullet was expelled from the gun.
  2. 一颗子弹从他头顶上呼啸而过。
    A bullet whistled past his head.
  3. 炮弹在四处爆炸。
    Shells were bursting all around.
  4. 一颗子弹嗖的一声从我耳边飞过。
    A bullet whizzed past my ear.
  5. 子弹击中了他的胸膛。
    The bullet hit him in the chest.
  6. 弹吉他是好玩的。
    It is fun to play the guitar.
  7. 炸弹把那座建筑夷为平地。
    The bombs razed the building to the ground.


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