
[xīn bù zài yān]




心不在焉 [xīn bú zài yān]
  • - be absent-minded; absence of mind; absent-mindedness; be woolgathering; be out to lunch; in a brown study; inattentive; One's wits are woolgathering.; One's wits are gone woolgathering.; One's mind is not in it.; One's mind was occupied with other things.; One's heart was no longer in it.; preoccupied; preoccupied with one's thought elsewhere; with an abstracted air; with one's mind wandering:

    listen absentmindedly; 心不在焉地听着

    His thoughts were far away and he didn't hear a word of what you said. 他心不在焉,你说什么他都没听见。



  1. 教授心不在焉地沿途瞎遛。
    The professor bumbled absent-mindedly along the road.
  2. 那位女演员心不在焉竟然忘了台词。
    The actress was so absent-minded that she fluffed her lines.
  3. 他表现出心不在焉的样子。
    He had an absent-minded manner.
  4. 我不明白经理为什么让一个如此心不在焉的人担此重任。
    I don't know why the manager offered that important job to such an absent-minded person.
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