



  • - (志向; 志愿) aspiration; ambition; ideal; will:

    be determined to do; dedicate oneself to a cause; 立志

    achieve one's ambition; 得志

    - (文字记录) records; annals:

    biographical notes and data; 人物志

    annals of a county; 县志

    - (记号) mark; sign:

    traffic signs 交通标志

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Zhi Yuan 志远

  • - (记) keep in mind; bear in mind:

    forever bear in mind 永志不忘

    - (称轻重; 量长短) weigh; measure



  1. 他的死标志著一个时代的结束。
    His death marked the end of an era.
  2. 彬彬有礼和谈吐得体是文雅的标志。
    Good manners and correct speech are marks of refinement.
  3. 那个标志误人,它使我迷了路。
    The misleading sign led me astray.
  4. 交通标志应该明显。
    A traffic sign should be conspicuous.
  5. 计算机的发明标志着一个新时代的开始。
    The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.
  6. 这种教学方法标志着教育的新时代。
    The teaching method marked a now epoch in education.
  7. 烧瓶侧面有刻度标志。
    The graduations are marked on the side of the flask.
  8. 路线沿途的标志都十分清楚。
    The markings along the route are quite plain.


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