- 乡情词Q-poem d homesickness
- 试析敦煌闺情词中的祈愿场景The Wishing Scene in the Boudoir Sentiment Poems of DunHuang
- 情passion
- 情词的两大转变与梦窗情词的特殊成就Two Great Transformations of Love Poetry and Extraordinary Achievements of Wu Wenying's Autobiographical Lyrical Love Poetry
- 情人inamorato
- 徘徊于诗境与词境之间的义山情诗与白石情词A Puzzling Comparison of Poem Context and Word Context between YiShan's Love Poem and BaiShi's Love Word
- 恳切(adj) sincere; genuine
- 无情pitiless
- 8我告诉你们,虽不因他是朋友起来给他,但因他情词迫切的直求,就必起来照他所需用的给他。I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.
- 一夜情one night stand
- 悲情pathos
- 主持词chair words
- 多情acracholia
- 构词word-building; word-formation
- 情色erotica
- 恳切陈词make a statement earnestly
- 情人的amatory
- 简单词simple word
- 情商emotion quotient (EQ)
- 用词不当misnomer