- "以及家中仆从老小想他素日怜贫惜贱,慈老爱幼之恩,莫不悲嚎痛哭者."While not one of the servants but wept for grief recollecting her compassion for the poor and humble and her loving goodness to old and young alike.
- 危danger
- 惜cherish
- 贫poor
- 怜贫惜老feel compassion for the aged and the poor
- 正襟危坐sit properly with a serious mien, sit respectfully
- 自怜self-pity
- 他们已拆除了那堵危墙。They have torn down that dangerous wall.
- 惺惺相惜appreciate each other
- 顾影自怜look at one's reflection and admire one's beauty or lament one's lot
- 危惧afraid
- 疼惜love dearly and have pity for
- 贫化率rate of dilution
- 危情danger
- 溺于自怜to wallow in self-pity
- 惜败lose the game regretfully
- 贫化impoverishment
- 然后,只走了几步路,我们来到一座危岩从那堤岸迤逦而去的地方。We walked a few more steps and then we reached the rocky bridge that juts out from the bank.
- 惜售rare sale
- 贫煤lean coal