- 慧聪IT商务网SinoBnet
- 常规商务网线regular business line
- 中国环保商务网Chinese Environmental Protection Business Network
- 中国化工商务网Chinese Chemical and Commercial Affairs Network
- 流网drift net
- 内部网intranet
- 织网knitmesh
- 网人netizen; net citizen
- 恒美旗下酒店IT化吸引全球商务客Henderson-Miramar Hotel Management is trying to attract business people with its internet
- 本地网LAN
- 中国国际电子商务网CIET Net
- 州际商务interstate commerce
- 网布screen cloth
- 他的商务生涯十分成功。He made a successful career in business.
- 那家商务运输公司业务繁忙。The commercial carrier is doing a lively business.
- 入网network
- 政府命令商务专员回国。The government ordered the commercial attache to return home.
- 子网掩码subnet mask
- 他在商务活动中惨遭挫折。He fell on a miserable setback in the commercial campaign.
- 内质网endoplasmic reticulum (ER)