- 王平:我正在写这方面的论文,搜集了一堆资料,当然难不住我了,我这不是自夸嘛。Wang Ping: I am writing a thesis on it. I have collected many materials. That is why you cannot beat me.
- 正在in the process of (doing something or happening)
- 我在波士顿。我正在写一篇关于棒球的报道。I'm in Boston. I'm writing a story about baseball.
- 我正在装饰厨房天花板,混身都是油漆,此时教区牧师突然来访,使我狼狈不堪。The vicar caught me bending when he called unexpectedly while I was decorating the kitchen ceiling and covered in paint.
- 我正在写一封信。I am writing a letter.
- 我正在到处旅游,真可以说我是自由自在、无拘无束的了。I'm traveling around. Footloose and fancy-free, you might call me.
- 我正在写一封很难写的信。I'm in the middle of writing a difficult letter.
- 我正在试图解决这一难题时,他给了我一个暗示,使我渐渐领悟到了答案所在。His hint dawned on me when I was trying go solve the problem.
- 我正在写一封郑重其事的回信。I'm composing a formalreply to the letter.
- 昨天晚上我正在学习,他突然跑进来,喊着“找到了”。I was studying yesterday evening when he papped in and cried"Eureka".
- 我正在找这张卡片上写的中文地址。I'm trying to locate this address written in Chinese on this card.
- 我正在乡间找一栋房子,但还没有找到理想的(房子)。I am looking for a house in the country but haven't found my ideal yet.
- 我正在写一封电子邮件给我的表哥。I am an e-mail my cousin now.
- 我正在努力地寻找送给我太太做为结婚周年纪念的礼物。I'm trying to find a wedding anniversary gift for my wife.
- 我正在同希尔达通着电话,但在她还未能把最近的流言蜚语全部告诉我,电话中断了。I was talking to Hilda on the phone but we were cut off before she could tell me all the latest gossip.
- 我正在写一篇关于美国的美术馆的报道。I'm writing a story about museums in the United States.
- 我正在加快学习语言,但是泰国语很难写。I'm picking up the spoken language, but Thai writing is very difficult.
- 我正在寻觅一枚罕见的邮票,我需要用它来补全那一套邮票。I'm no the track of a rare stamp I need to complete the set.
- 我正在努力写期末报告。所以今晚不要烦我。I'm working hard on my term paper.So please do not bother me tonight.
- 我正在翻阅一本旧杂志,一位秘书进来说史密斯先生等着见我。I was thumbing through an old magazine when a secretary came in to say that Mr Smith was ready to see me.