


  1. 共同管辖权不动产,如公寓中的某个房间或车库中的车位,在与其他地产单位的所有人共享时所有人要按各自的份额收取费用
    Real estate, such as a unit in an apartment complex or a parking space in a garage, that combines fee simple title to the unit and joint ownership in the common elements shared with other unit owners.
  2. 财产于1998年将归还原所有人。
    The property revert to its original owner in1998.
  3. 没有版权所有人的允许复制受版权保护的资料是法律所不允许的。
    The reproduction of copyright material without the permission of the copyright holder is banned by law.
  4. 她是这所房子的所有人。
    She is the possessor of this house.
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