- 总统为三军统帅,军事不受政治干涉,亦不应与政治竞选活动或党派活动相纪缠不清。Offical military activities free from entanglement with partisan political campaign of any kind.
- 清pure
- 大厅里那十几张黑色的长条椅上,躺着一些霸道的时髦青年,他们打着响亮的呼噜,说着夹缠不清的梦话,有一个在睡梦中还高高地跷着二郎腿,大喇叭口的裤管像用铁皮剪成的一样。On the long black benches lay several supercilious, fashionable striplings who were making loud snores and mumbling something incomprehensible in their sleep, one of them even dangling one foot over the other, his huge bellbottom trouser legs looking as if made from iron sheets.
- 风太大了,缠不上风帆。The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
- 不清unclear
- 清空empty
- 高清high definition
- 清关clear customs
- 分不清confound with
- "如果你继续这样急促不清地说下去,谁也听不懂了。"Nobody can understand you if you keep jabbering away like that.
- 看不清invisibility
- 数不清的unnumbered
- 数不清countless
- 神志不清dottiness
- "大多数人一上了年纪,不戴眼镜就看不清细小的印刷字体。"Most people can't read small print without glasses when they get on in years.
- 听不清deafness
- 含糊不清ambiguous; vague
- 口齿不清inarticulacy
- 许多人受惠于他数不清的慷慨行为。Many people benefited from his countless generosities.
- 病人发烧,神志不清,必须有人监护。The patient was feverish and out of his head and had to be watched.