



  • - (誊写) copy; transcribe:

    make a verbatim transcription of the original; 照抄原文

    Copy this page in your notebook. 把这一页抄到你的笔记本上。

    - (抄袭) plagiarize; lift:

    The author lifted the paragraph from someone else's work. 这一段是作者从别人的作品中抄来的。

    - (搜查并没收) search and confiscate; make a raid upon
    - (拿取) go [walk] off with:

    Who's gone off with my dictionary? 谁把我的字典抄走了?

    - (走简捷的路) take a shortcut:

    If I take a shortcut, I can walk to school for only five minutes. 如果抄近路,我只要步行5分钟就能到学校。

    - (两手相互插在袖筒里) fold (one's arms):

    stand by with folded arms 抄着手站在那里

    - (匆忙地抓取) grab; take up:

    take up a broom and begin to sweep the floor 抄起扫帚就扫地

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Chao Si 抄抄思



  1. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。
    The scribe worked hard to support his family.
  2. 她因考试抄袭作弊而受到处罚。
    She was punished for copying during the examination.
  3. 我真的需要把它抄下来吗?
    Do I really need to copy it?
  4. 我把她的笔记抄在我的笔记本上。
    I copied out her notes into my notebook.
  5. 那次考试完全是骗人的鬼把戏,他们都抄书。
    That examination was a mockery, they all copied from the books.


目录 查词历史